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To understand parenting style(s) we must first dig into the root. An adage says “charity begins at home” a child that wants to achieve greatness and becomes successful the importance of “family” can’t be questioned.
Family is the fundamental and importance structure of the society that has an important role in one’s life and structure is something unmistakable. Although affected by society  and peers, children are more influenced by the family on the child and its roles in the creativity, cultural, social, moral, ACADEMIC aspects are very great and important. Correct and balanced relationship between parent and their children especially adolescent is one of the factor influencing both their physical and mental health.
A parent is a subset of the family, a very important part of the family.
A parent is someone who cares, and who is responsible for the safety and shelter of his/her child. Parents are meant to provide, emotional, physical and spiritual care for the child. Parenting, according to the oxford advance learners dictionary is defined as the process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood. It is also the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. A parent simply means the father and the mother of a child.
The relationship of parents and the parenting style serve multipurpose, in the academic achievement of the adolescent. Moral and Psychology training, identification, growth and development of children’s talents, skills, familiarize with the rules and norms of the society from the perspective of parents are among these purposes. Take a look.
Parenting is the process of bringing up a child in various method of impacting in the child’s life academically, emotionally, socially and morally from childhood and parenting is not exclusive to biological relationship.
Parenting style is the pattern and method by which a child brought up by the parent. Meanwhile because of the kind of society we find ourselves today we have; (i) Single Parent (ii) Dual Parent etc.
Some children are brought up by another person that is not their biological father or mother.
Parenting style can be defined as a set or a system of behaviors that describes the parent and child interactions over a wide range of situations and creates an affective interactions atmosphere. It is an effective and determining factor that plays an important role in psychopathology and growth. In the present study,  ponderable  points in parenting styles, physical presence of parents at home, i.e the time to be with the children and cultural spaces of the family are considered.
Parenting styles are psychological principles used by parent in the upbringing of their child. It is also the representation of how parent respond to their children in certain situations.
Educational achievement means the fulfillment of expected level of education, and an education organization approaches it predetermined goals.
Educational achievement means, increase of learning increase of the level of good scores of the students. It is also the all round good performance of the student in the school. Parents have an important role in identifying children’s talent and guiding them. Mutual understanding and close relationship between parents and children are recommended. Therefore, it recommended that the method of correct interaction of parents and children be more valued and parent familiarize with their children.

There are basically six (6) parenting styles. Researchers have identified the parenting styles namely:
1.     Authoritarian parenting
2.     Authoritative parenting
3.     Permissive parenting
4.     Uninvolved parenting
5.     Attachment parenting
6.     Helicopter parenting

1.     Authoritarian Parents: Authoritarian parents are famous for saying “Because I said so”. When a child questions the reasons behind a role. They are not interested in negotiating and their focus is on obedience. They also don’ Authoritarian parent uses punishments instead of discipline. So instead of teaching a child how to make better choices They are invested in making kids feel sorry for their mistakes. Authoritarian parent believe that kids should be seen and not heard and when it comes to rules. They are always strict and most times they do not take the child’s feeling into consideration.
It allow kids to get involved in problem-solving challenges or obstacles. Instead, they make the rule and enforce the consequence with little regard for a child’s opinion. Authoritarian parents may be use punishment  instead of discipline. So rather teach the child how to make better choice, they are invested in making kids for their mistakes. This type of parenting is a type in which the parents a strict rule and regulation in which the children most follow without excuse. Parents in this category are always harsh, unresponsive and rigid. Their child/children’s opinion doesn’t matter, parent in this category always enforce opinion on their children without the child/children’s opinion/ ideas.

Also they are parents who use the style of parenting except high level of conformity and compliance from their children, and tend to show little warmth or connection with their children. They usually set high standards for their children, but do not  explain the reasoning for their rule and expectations.
      If a child of an authoritarian parent ask ‘why’ the parent will respond with ‘because I said so’ they often try to be in control of their children always
They are self- centered and those not considered their children while setting out rules

1.     The adolescent won’t love to contribute in class even if he knows the answer because his self-esteem has been brutalize by those that should be close to him/her than anyone else(his/her parent)
2.     The adolescent tends to fear adults, teachers in general and everything (Instructions) given to him/her tends to be followed.
3.     The child tends to feel less important around his/her peers. The student who came from an authoritarian parent tends to have little friends because of the feeling of less importance.
4.     The student become hostile and most time uninvolved in the school work. Instead of thinking how to do things better for the future, they often focus on the anger they feel toward their parents. Authoritarian children grow to become good liars to avoid punishment.

2.     AUTHORITATIVE PARENT: Authoritative parents have roles and use consequence but they also take their children’s opinion into account. They validate their children’s feelings while also making it clear that the adults are ultimately in charge.
Authoritative parents invest time and energy into preventing behavior problems before they start. Also therefore good behavior like praise and reward system. In authoritative parenting, the parent put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a positive relationship with the child and explains the reasons behind the parent rules. And the parent enforce rules and gives the consequences, but takes the child’s feelings into consideration. Authoritative parenting has rules and they always have consequences when the child’s disobey the rules. Authoritative parent invest time and energy into preventing behavior problems before they start.
Examples of what an authoritative parent takes into cognizance.
They put a lot of effort into creating and motivating a positive relationship with the child. They explain the reasons when their rules. They enforce rules and give consequences, but take their child’s feelings into consideration. This type of parenting in which the parents have a set as side rules regulations but they always listen to their children’s ideas or opinions. But they also have restrictions in areas which they had greater knowledge of insight. This type of parents always has time for their children. Children who have authoritative parents are most likely to be responsible in future and they will be always happy and most time successful. This types of  allows the children to be free with their parents. They share their views on their academics/education. Their parents allow their children to choose what they want by listening to their ideas/opinions. Children in this category are said to be brilliant and intelligent.
Authoritative parents have rules and they use consequence, but they also take their consequence, but they also take their children’s opinion into account. They consider their children’s feelings while making it dear to them that adults are ultimately in charge. Authoritative parent are often describe as having a child. Centered approach. This parent have high expectation of compliances rule and direction, but allow for an open dialogue with their children about those rules and behavior in general.
This parent encourage independence, in their children, unlike authoritarian parent. They set limit and demand maturity. But will always explain why they are setting a rule or punishing their children. One of the key habit of an authoritative parent is reinforcing good behavior in their children, rather then only pointing out and punishing the bad
In general most child development excepts agree that the authoritative style of  parenting leads to more responsible, successful children with better self esteem and independence. Authoritative parenting is widely regarded as the most effective and beneficial parenting style for normal children. Authoritative parents are easy to recognize, as they are marked by the high expectations that they have of their children, but temper these expectations with understanding a support for their children as well. This type of parenting creates the healthiest environment for a growing child, and helps to foster a productive relationship between parent and child.

How to recognize if you are an authoritative parent:

· Does your child’s day have structure to it, such as a planned bedtime and understood household rules?

· Are there consequences for disrupting this structure or breaking the household rules?

· Does your child understand the expectations that you have for their behavior, and are these expectations reasonable?

· Do you have a healthy and open line of communication with your child? That is, does your child feel that they can speak to you about anything without fear of negative consequence or harsh judgment?

The traits described in the above questions mark a healthy household with an authoritative parent. Of course, parenting styles will naturally need to differ in order to accommodate different children, and you may find that this style does not work for you if your child has behavioral problems or other traits you have difficulty handling. In this case, it is best to adjust your parenting appropriately, and to seek out help from a licensed therapist if you feel overwhelmed.

One of the most important traits to emulate in the authoritative parenting style is the open communication style with the child. If a parent can foster the ability to speak to their child without judgment or reprimand, they will be more likely to have insight into the child’s life and understanding, providing the child with a deeper understanding of the world around them.

1.     The adolescent tends to have high self-esteem in the classroom.
2.     His/her school grade tends to increase because of support from parents.
3.     They tends to be obedient to the teachers in school, obey rules and regulation which therefore tag them as responsible, obedient students.

3.     PERMISSIVE PARENTS: Permissive parent  are lenient. They often step in when there’s a problem. They are quite forgiving and they adopt the attitude of “kids will be kids”. When they use consequences stick. They might give priviledges lack is a child to get out of time-out early if he promises to be good. Permissive parents usually tales on more of a friend role than parent role. They often encourage their children to take to them about their problems.
1.     They are likely to struggle academically because they would develop an “I don’t care” attitude which Is never  a landmark for successful student
2.     They develop a process as tinting attitude.
3.     They are likely to exhibit more behavioural problem as they don’t appreciate authority and rule.
4.     They are likely to join bad gangs in school due to low self-esteem which result to cultism and they may report a lot of sadness.

5.     UNINVOLVED PARENTS: They tend to have little knowledge of what their children are doing. They also tend to have few roles. Children may  notreceive much guidance, nurturing, and parental attention. Uninvolved parents expect children to raise themselves, they don’t basic needs uninvolved parents expects children to raise themselves, they don’t devote much time or energy into meeting children basic needs. Uninvolved parents may be neglecting but not always intentional. At other times, uninvolved parents lack knowledge about child’s development. And sometimes they are simply overwhelmed with other problems we work, praying bills and managing a household.
1.     They tend to struggle to self-esteem issues thereby reducing their concentration to school work which breeds failure.
2.     They tend to listen to peer pressure whether good or bad as they take them to their parents. If in turn they listen to bad friends, they tends to join cult or engage in dirty habit. And habits like these are not needed in school which lead to explosion.

1.     Permissive Parenting: This types of parenting in which the parent are more likely to be friends to their child/children. This types of parents encourages their children, they always have time for their children and they make sure they speak out their problems. Permissive parents do not discourage their children about bad behavior. They always encourage their child/children to always express their impulses freely.
2.     Uninvolved parenting: This types of parenting is a type of parenting in which the parents does not know/have a little knowledge about their children’s needs.
Uninvolved parenting is sometimes found in parent in which they are depressed parent who are divorced.


1.     Authoritarian Parenting:This type of parenting are not concerned with the children’s academics they believe anything taught the students are taught by them is final. Their student are not allowed to question their intelligence. This types of parenting affects the children in a way that even if the child/children has an objection in the class he /she will be too scared to say it but.
2.     Uninvolved Parenting: This types of parenting does not even care if he/her children are educated. The parents are less concerned about the education of the children. Children that falls under this types of parenting are most later in life turn to be armed robbers, thugs, bus conductors etc.s
3.     Permissive Parenting: In this types of parenting the children are allowed to do whatever they like. Their parent does not argue with their children’s academic performance.

Authoritarian parent believe kids should follow the rules without exception. They are not interested in negotiating and their focus is on obedience. They may use punishments instead of discipline.

Permissive parents are quite forgiving and they adopt an attitude of “kid be like kids”. When they use consequence they may not make those consequences valid. They might give privileged back if a child begs or they may aloe a child to get out of time out early if he promises to be good.
Uninvolved parents may be neglectful but it’s not always intentional. A parent with mental health issues or substance abuse problems, for example, may not be able to care for a child’s physical or emotional needs on a consistent basis.
1.     Authoritarian: children tend to follow rules much of the time. But, their obedience comes at a price. The child  may also becomes hostile or aggressive rather than think about how to do things better in future.
2.     Authoritative: children are likely to be happy and successful. They’re also more likely to be good at making decision and evaluating safety risks on their own.
3.     Permissive: children tend to fall into errors which can affect them permanently or temporarily. They often have low self-esteem and may report a lot of sadness.
4.     Uninvolved parenting: children tends to struggle with self-esteem issues. They exhibit frequent behavior problems and rank low in happiness.

Growth is a process that starts from conception, birth and finally to death, it the increase in cell i.e increase in size, weight, height et.c.
Development:- Development refers to the  various change that take place in a person brought about by that maturing or experience. Development is holistic in approach because it affects the whole human system starting from the physical to intellectual Finally we have adolescent.
An adolescent is a person whose age lies between the end of a childhood and the beginning of an adulthood.
It would be important to note the need of an adolescent.
The fundamental needs for the adolescent are as follows;
1.     Biological Needs: This includes the basic needs of life such as food, water, rest, sex, temperature regulation. Form the above list need let looked at them critical one after the other.
i.                    Food A child that is not well feed will not be able to think straight also he will not pay attention in class, it is adviced that parent should feed their child well.
ii.                  Sex A good parent should give the child sex education at this stage on what to do, this is what our society lacks today pre-martial sex all this is as a result of the lack of sex education by the parent. We know that a pregnant girl will not be allowed to go to school because it will be stressful also the male child that impregnated  the girl also will start to take responsibility of father to the chold, which he is not ready for.
iii.                Rest How peace a city is, is determine by the people in it. If an adolescent is living with a very aggressive parents. The he/she also would be aggressive to his/her peer which can stop his/her peer from studying or swearing ideas with him/her or even studying need od the adolescent.
Another kind of need of the adolescence is personal needs of the adolescent
1.     Need for status: This is the most important need which can make or mere an adolescent if the child is not well trained and given good orientation in life about how to become great he/she might wrong steps to attain greatness. But with advice from parent and constant discussion.
2.     Need for independence: This involves parent living the child partially for than to be able take discussion on their own their own and as well take responsibility of all discussions made. This will enable them to always think before doing thing. For example they will know that they are to read without anybody telling them and that if they fail to do so the bare the consequences which is to repeat the class or course.
3.     Need for Achievement: The parent has a vital role to play in the child’s achievement. If the parent is always speaking negative words for the self esteem of such a child and it could let the child to have self esteem.
Rather they should praise also reduce and tweetto the adolescents, so adolescent must be motivated as a way not encouragement and not discouraged some factor that also affect academic development of adolescent through parenting styles.
4.     Heredity factors: if the parents of child are intelligent according to psychology intelligent as well.
This will help the child to learn very well in class but if not so the child will give his/her teacher work to do.
5.     Home environment: The residential place as parents also determines where there child would be good academically if the environment is full of noise such child would not be able to read and assimilate.


Parenting styles are the different techniques that various parent adopts in the building up of a child.
Parenting styles are the different pattern of parenting practices. There are four major type of parenting styles:
·        Authoritative
·        Authoritarian
·        Permissive
·        Uninvolved

In permissive parenting the parent set rules but rarely enforce them, they do not give punishment nor consequences very often they think that the child will learn best when they are on their own and they believe their own children will learn from their past experiences. Permissive parent are more of a friend to their children than actual parent that is they are more friendly to the children and can tolerate whatever the child does.
In uninvolved parenting styles the parent are less concerned about the child’s activities, they rarely know where the child is, what the child is doing, how the child is. They rarely spend time with their children. An uninvolved parenting style is neglectful at most times it is unintentional. Other times uninvolved parent lack knowledge about child development.
Authoritative: Most times student raised with authoritative tends to be discipline and focused and they also are good at making decision.
Permissive: In permissive parenting children most times tends to do whatever they want to with a little or no consequence or punishment. The children always make the mistake of performing poorly in the beginning of the term and they try to cover up in the courses they are lacking.
Uninvolved: In uninvolved parenting, the students are the most exposed to failure because of the zero interest the parent have for their academics performance. The child most times do not participate in the social activities and sometimes do not participate in school activities as a result of their struggle with self-esteem issues.

What is a parenting style?
A parenting style can be defined as the way or the opinion when it come to raising children. How a parent discipline their child, how they potty train, even how they teach their child to sleep though the night. Min other words parenting style means the habit in which the parent cultivate in their child or children
     Every parent has a way of teaching their child or children but these they are common:
         I.            Authoritarian
       II.            Authoritative
    III.            Permissive

Permissive: this parent have very few behavior expectations for their children, and are usually warm and nurturing. They rarely discipline or punish their children and the few rules they do establish are rarely strictly enforced. They give children as many choices as possible. Permissive parent do not set clear boundaries, and tend to accept their child’s behavior regardless if it is good of bad.
Most children love4 this type  of parenting style and it boost the relationship between the parent and the child. They do not like to say no or disappoint their children.
Adolescent is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It is a period that the child encounter numerous problems from all areas  of his growth and development such as physical, mental, social, psychological, cultural and spiritual growth problems. Such is the difficulties that comfort the emerging child into adulthood that some psychologist that describes it as a period of ;;storm and   stress’’
Generally adolescents period commences between ages 11 or 12 to 18 or 21 years.
The effect of parenting style adolescent is very cranial because parent play tremendous roles in adolescent. The family unit is considered as one of the most influential due to the fact that the family is the first sources of internal education for a child.
Most specially, parenting style, discipline techniques, involvement with their children and the home environment have been show to attract a child’s ability  to academically achievement. The academic achievement of society’s adolescent is a central focal point for society due to the idea that ensuring an education for adolescents help to promote a more successful future.
     In conclusion parenting style can affect adolescent academic achievement positively or negatively but research has made us to realise that children raised in authoritative’’ homes perform better in school then others.
It is also found out that parental involvement in school usually leads to better school performance. However, parental encouragement by itself does not appear to have a measurable impart on academic performance.


Parenting style is conceptualization as a constellation of attitudes or a pattern of parenting authority towards the child which are conveyed to the child, creating the emotional context for the expression of parental behavior.
Parenting style differ from parenting practice in that it characterizes parent-child interaction across settings and situations, where as parenting practices are special to particular situations and domains, parenting style is thought to provide the emotional climate for interaction between parent and children and has significant impart of the family quality of life.
Parenting style also refers to how a parent behaves around their children as define by the overall demean or that a parent has when they are engaging their children.
After studying about how children and parents relate in the home, baumrind came up with three major parenting style: authoritarian (which is too hard ), permissive ( which is too soft ) and authoritative ( which is just right )
AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING STYLE: this parenting style can also be called neglectful parenting,. This type is one of the most harmful style of parenting that can be used on a child,.
Neglecting or authoritarian parenting is unlike the other style in in that parent rarely flunctuate naturally into neglectful parenting as a response to child behavior. Parent involve in neglecting
behavior can be helped easily through education, this education can be found by talking to a therapist or counselor.
PERMISSIVE PARENTING STYLE: this type of parenting is also called indulgent parenting, the parent involve are responsive but not demanding. The benefit of this parenting B that they are usually very nurturing and loving. The disadvantage is that few  rules are set for the children to permissive children, and the role are inconsistence when they do exist. This kind of structure causes these children to grow up with little self discipline and self control.
AUTHORATIVELY PARENTING STYLE: This parenting style is regarded as the most effective and beneficial parenting style for normal children.
Authoritative  parent are marked by the high expectations they have of their children but they also understand and support, their children. This type of parenting creates the healthiest environment for a growing child and help to faster a productive relationship between parent and child
1.      Behavioral control and psychological control are two features that affect studying performance
2.      Adolescent perceive level of independence
3.      Parental education
Parenting style are the different types of ways parent/guardian rise their children, most parenting style are made up of a mix of the parent’s expectations, performance demands, alertness to role, and level of warmth. it involves the children while growing up to the adolescent stage. Parenting styles do influence adolescent achievement/development and vice-versa. Adolescent themselves can influence the type of parenting style their parent use on them, for instance, an adolescent who always influence their parent to be more lenient whereas an adolescent that breaks the rule may influence their parent to be stricter with rules and discipline. There as six (6) main types of parenting styles etc.
1.      Attachment parenting
2.      Authoritarian parenting
3.      Helicopter Parenting
4.      Permissive parenting
5.      Uninvolved parenting
6.      Authoritative parenting

1.      Attachment parenting: It is style of coming with the intent of the parent and child, forming a strong emotional bond. Parents who choose this style of parenting often believe in natural child birth, home schooling. These typesof parents respond promptly to their child’s needs, are sensitive and emotionally available for child at all times. Adolescents that grew up with parents who utilized attachment parenting tend to be comparative with their parents, interact better with peers, learn more rapidly in school, have higher self-esteem and are more flexible and resident under stress.
2.      Helicopter parenting: It is a style parenting where the part tends to be involved in every aspect of their child’s life to extents of over involvement. These parents constantly interact with and often interfere with their children’s live to ensure the safety and security of their child. Helicopter parenting can cause adolescents to become dependent on their parent’s money, time, and advice and in some cases. Helicopter parenting has led to the development of narcission, poor coping skills, and an implication of anxietyand stress. Parents that continue to use helicopter parenting once their child to result them due to feelings of humiliation.
3.      Permissive Parenting: It involves non-traditional parenting where the parents tend to avoid setting rules for their children. These kind of parents are warm and understanding towards their children; They tend to be lenient to the extreme and avoid using discipline. Permissive parenting can lead to adolescents learning that rules are not important and that consequence are very light for misbehavior. They often have trouble with self control, demonstrate egocentric tendencies and experience difficulty developing good peer relationships.
4.      Authoritarian Parenting: Authoritarian parenting of punitive style of parenting that is restrict disciplinarians who display little warmth towards their children while exerting a high level  of control of their child’s life. They insist that their adolescent follow directions without argument or discussion. Authoritarian parenting can lead to two (2) outcomes. (a) Adolescent may become rebellious and display aggressive behaviours towards parents and peers (2) Adolescent may also become dependent  on parents for direction and rules throughout their lives. They tend to raise girls who are  less dependent and boys who are aggressive
5.      Authoritative Parenting: It is a style of parenting characterized by parent being warm but form towards their child. The typically establish rules and guidelines that they expect their child to follow, however these parent are open on the adolescent action. Adolescent with authoritative parents learn how to negotiate and engage in discussion
They end up being socially competent, responsible and autonomous. Authoritative parenting style is the most Ideal or suitable parenting style.
6.      Uninvolved parenting: it is a style where parents tend to be as uninvolved as possible in the life of their child; any interaction tends to be kept short, and their  child and they do not place any demand on their adolescent. these adolescents tends to take on similar behavior of not carry about other which can lead to impulsive behavior and problems with self-regulation.


Neglectful parenting is one of the most harmful styles of parenting that can be used on a child. Neglectful parenting is unlike the other styles in that parents rarely fluctuate naturally into neglectful parenting as a response to child behavior. If a parent recognizes themselves as a neglectful parent, or if a friend recognizes that they may know a neglectful parent, it is important to understand that those parents (and the children involved in the situation) need assistance so that they can get back on track to having a healthy and communicative relationship within the family.

If you suspect you or a friend may be a neglectful parent, consider the following:

· Do you care for your child’s needs—emotional, physical, and otherwise?

· Do you have an understanding of what is going on in your child’s life?

· Does the home provide a safe space for the child where they can share their experiences and expect positive feedback rather than negative or no feedback?

· Do you spend long periods of time away from home, leaving the child alone?

· Do you often find yourself making excuses for not being there for your child?

· Do you know your child’s friends? Teachers?

· Are you involved in your child’s life outside the home?

If the above describe you or someone that you know, a child is at risk of being damaged by a neglectful household. Parents who tend towards neglectful parenting styles can be easily helped through education; this education can be found by talking to the family doctor, or going to a therapist or counselor.

Neglectful parenting is damaging to children, because they have no trust foundation with their parents from which to explore the world. Beyond that, children who have a negative or absent relationship with their parent will have a harder time forming relationships with other people, particularly children their age. If you suspect that you or a friend of yours may be a neglectful parent, it is important to seek help in a way that does not damage the child further or intrude into their life in a disruptive manner.


Permissive parenting, also known as indulgent parenting is another potentially harmful style of parenting. These parents are responsive but not demanding. These parents tend to be lenient while trying to avoid confrontation. The benefit of this parenting style is that they are usually very nurturing and loving. The negatives, however, outweigh this benefit. Few rules are set for the children of permissive parents, and the rules are inconsistent when they do exist. This lack of structure causes these children to grow up with little self-discipline and self-control. Some parents adopt this method as an extreme opposite approach to their authoritarian upbringing, while others are simply afraid to do anything that may upset their child.

How to recognize if you are a permissive parent:

· Do you not have set limits or rules for your child? Do you often compromise  your rules to accommodate your child’s mood?

· Do you avoid conflict with your child?

· Do you have a willingness to be your child’s best friend rather than their parent?

· Do you often bribe your child to do things with large rewards?

The traits described in the above questions mark an unhealthy permissive parenting style. It may seem as though this would be a child’s favorite parenting style as it provides a sense of freedom without consequences, however, children crave a sense of structure to make them feel safe and. It is important in a child’s development for there to be clear cut parental and child roles. Permissive parenting can have long-term damaging effects. In a study published in the scientific Journal of Early Adolescence, it was found that teens with permissive parents are three times more likely to engage in heavy underage alcohol consumption. This is likely do to their lack of consequences for their behavior.

Other damaging effects of permissive parenting include:

· insecurity in children from of lack of set boundaries

· poor social skills, such as sharing, from lack of discipline

· self-centeredness

· poor academic success from lack of motivation

· clashing with authority

It is important for the permissive parent to begin to set boundaries and rules for their child, while still being responsive before it is too late. If enacting new structures proves too daunting, it is advised again to seek out the help of a licensed therapist.

Authoritarian parenting, also called strict parenting, is characterized by parents who are demanding but not responsive. Authoritarian parents allow for little open dialogue between parent and child and expect children to follow a strict set of rules and expectations. They usually rely on punishment to demand obedience or teach a lesson.

Recognizing your authoritarian style:

· Do you have very strict rules that you believe should be followed no matter what?
· Do you often find yourself offering no explanations for the rules other than “Because I said so?”
· Do you give your child few choices and decisions about their own life?
· Do you find yourself utilizing punishment as a means of getting your child to do what you ask?
· Are you reserved in the amount of warmth and nurturing you show your child?
While the structure and rules of an authoritarian parent are necessary for healthy child development, all good things can be overdone. It is important to balance out the provided structure with open communication so the child knows exactly why it is important for them to follow the rules placed in front of them. Children of authoritarian parents are prone to having low self-esteem, being fearful or shy, associating obedience with love, having difficulty in social situations, and possibly misbehaving when outside of parental care. A therapist can once again be contacted if adopting open communication proves to be too difficult to achieve by oneself.

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