Steph E. O Mekwuye '' The Future'', Blockchain Technology & Africa
Founder Eka and Eka consult Steph mekwuye. |
Economic growth and development as well as responsible online business and financial transactions is given a facelift and aromatic flavour with the emergence of blockchain technology, the public ledger that keeps impeccable records of every single business transaction on the planet in a secure, responsible transparent way that emphatically and drastically eliminates all manners of illegal and unacceptable behaviours in every important business sector and machinery of government. With the coming of blockchain technology, there is possibility that the world becomes a more transparent place with no room for any form of negative trends such as cyber crime, electoral malpractices, high-level corruption and any kind of social and economic misappropriation one could think of.
Steph Mekwuye, an emerging technology enthusiast and founder of Eka and Eka Consult, runs a blockchain consulting, resources, training and education platform with the sole intention of repositioning the Nigerian mindset and social value chain to wholesomely embrace the new lease of life that blockchain technology is offering to the world. A law graduate with sterling honors inclusive of the recipient of the award winning analysis in P2P technologies and IPR law; Steph Mekwuye is already a pioneer shining brightly at the forefront of effecting social change in the Nigerian society through the robust and impeccable instrumentality of emerging technologies, in particular blockchain technology, using the peer 2 peer (P2P) file sharing technology as a springboard.

Steph E. O Mekwuye receiving the award for best analysis in Law and P2P technologies.
P2P file sharing, which is a subset of blockchain technology, is the distribution and sharing of digital media files using P2P networking technology which allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, journals, photos and games using a P2P network to locate the desires content. P2P file sharing network is a new whirlwind of 3.0 ICT explosions that is already gradually replacing what we have as the 2.0 internet today, albeit in a more organized, secure, immutable and transparent platform. That is why Steph Mekwuye is in Nigeria to market this lofty technological paradigm shift to the vast majority of Nigerian people who do not wish to left in the lurch when the present internet age becomes outdated (it would soon be).
As the world grapples with how to strategically position the use of this new technology in societies, Steph Mekwuye refuses for Africa to be left behind., as was the case with desktop computers and internet as well as blackberries and androids. Steph Mekwuye’s motivation and passion about remaking the Nigerian social and business environment is to ensure that blockchain technology becomes a means of change in our society, a new way of learning and doing things, a path to employability for the youths in Nigeria no sooner than its emergence in Europe. The aim is to close the widening gap of the masterful utilization of research, science and technological innovations, between Africa and west.

The Nigerian immigration and Steph Mekwuye.
The first major and devastating consequence of the failure of African countries to close the wide gulf of social, infrastructural and institutional developments between them and Their European counterparts is Africa’s inability or reluctance to see data and software development as an economic builder and gateway of the 21st century. A greater part of the African society have failed to live up to the different spectrum of emerging 21st century challenges due to failure to build a value chain and system that recognizes and embraces 21st century technological realities and innovations.
When the idea of a cashless world first came to the fore, majority of businessmen and women doubted the possibility of its efficiency and hence regarded it as a fairytale ideology. People then thought the policy of cashlessness would only amount to a situation financial helplessness to the ordinary business man or woman who erroneously imagines that doing business without large chunks of cash about was impossibility. But today, the world is 89% cashless, word have been laid in the lines with the arrival of e-banking, money transfers and online buying and selling. This trend hitherto thought to be impossible has gone a long way to drastically reduce highway armed robberies, pick pocketing and bag snatching on our roads and highways. Cashless transactions, as much as it is effective have not totally succeeded in outflanking or eradicating online shoplifting, credit card manipulations and irresponsible online transaction. But with blockchain technology, all manners of online business transaction will be as transparent as a cellophane and as clean as a whistle.

Speakers and Lagos state Government attendees.

Steph E. O Mekwuye The future and mathematics of data science.
The policing characteristics of blockchain technology are enviably reflected in its ability to lead a businessman or woman all the way to the point of origin, if an irregularity is detected along the supply chain. This facilitates an easy investigation to such irregularities.
Records of business transactions through blockchain technology greatly eliminates the possibility of human errors and falsification of records because records have a way of being verified in a way that is similar to intelligence sharing each time they (records) are passed on from one blockchain node to another. The process has a highly sensitive and traceable audit trail that secures the integrity of a company’s financial information as makes fraud and financial information misappropriation impossible. Blockchain technology is the final nail in the coffin of corruption financial crimes in all public and private institutions. Institutional weaknesses, budget padding, inflation of contract figures, internet fraud, difficulty in accessing loans, the list is unending.

Embrace the bright future .
With blockchain technology, there is promise of a world seen in positive light. It is a world that is transparent, trustworthy and promising.
Solving Challenges in Developing Countries with blockchain tech
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